Les textes ont toujours eu une grande importance dans le groupe...Pas toujours sérieux, mais toujours écrits de façon à avoir un sens ! Du moins, on essaye !!

We try to write meaningful lyrics...not always in a serious way, we don't like preaching, and we like to have a laugh..So here are our songs for you to read.













Dans ce camion / Tous entassés

Ca pue la peur / Tous piétinés

Tout s’arrête / Des cris la nuit

Crever pour rien  / Personne ne bouge


Je ne veux pas regarder leurs yeux perdus s’enflammer

Je ne peux pas digérer leurs corps sans cesse torturés


Il faut briser leurs chaînes – Pour abréger leurs peines

Je veux ouvrir leurs cages – Mettre fin à l’esclavage

Pour abolir – action

Pour en finir – libération

Je n’ai de haine pour personne, mais prends garde la colère grogne


Ta fourrure / C’est la leur

Ton manteau / Torture

C’est leur peau / Arrachée

Sur ton dos / Libération


Chaque fois que je les vois

Mêmes libres tout ça est là

Chaque fois je pense à ça

La torture le sang le froid

Je me sens responsable si je reste sans agir

Je ne peux pas vivre avec ça

Leur douleur me fait vomir

(Mumu DIY)

Fasciné par le déclin


Pas si facile de réagir, quand l'apathie est bienvenue


Il n'est pas bien vu de le dire, tout y mène, c'est déjà couru


Les jeux sont faits, pourquoi lutter, pourquoi essayer de gagner


A quoi bon recommencer, quand on peut abandonner


Pas si facile de réagir, quand l'apathie est bienvenue


A quoi bon vivre sans lutter, pourquoi croire sans vérifier


Passif au dernier degré, soumis à l'autorité


Ne pas savoir, ni questionner, ne pas vouloir trop s'impliquer


Préférer l'échec au succès et si possible tout gâcher


A quoi bon vivre sans lutter, pourquoi croire sans vérifier


Fasciné par le déclin

Avachi dans ton fauteuil

Tu ne fais déjà plus rien

Que porter ton propre deuil


Mais qu'attends-tu du ciel ?

Il n'en vient que des bombes




syndrome de Stockholm

Tout au fond d’un bunker

Ecrin blindé où reposent

Les illusions d’un système


Des sirènes hurlantes

Etouffées par le béton

Qui n’atteindront plus personne


--------------------Le syndrome de Stockholm

--------------------Relations hors-normes


Pas de flingue sur la tempe

Les menaces sont inutiles

Les otages s’allient à la cause


Une étrange sympathie

Qui dérange l’ordre établi

Et fait des bourreaux des victimes


-----------------C’est le syndrome de Stockholm

-----------------Relations hors-normes


Des sirènes hurlantes

Etouffées par le béton

Qui n’atteindront plus personne




We were born in Ohio,

Eleven innocent kids,

All of us sent to a farm,

Brand new parents, brand new life.

But this ain’t  no fairy tale,

Many hungry mouths to feed.

Days in the fields, nights in a cage,

Fuck’em with their country side.


I’M NOT – an animal

I’M NOT – an animal

I’M NOT – an animal



Many years of violence,

Hardcore social poverty

The sheriff came to free us all,

To take us out of this mess,

He felt so bad for the poor kids,

Started soon to smile at me,

Started to unzip his pants,

I felt bad too I must confess.


HANDS OFF – I’m underage

HANDS OFF – I’m underage

HANDS OFF – I’m underage



Plug the unplugged


Bought empty views from MTV

Your daily fix of music industry

Grunge or hippies or rappers or dance

Fakey idols remain the same


Electrify their fuckin' chairs

See the flames shorten their hair

Some distortion to blast their heads

Pump up the volume from three to ten


Gotta plug the unplugged

Rip their labels, see them burn


You ain't Johnny Thunder

For sure you're a loser

You wanna-be rebels

Suckin' David Geffen


Gotta plug the unplugged

Rip their labels, see them burn

Dirty 70's


Born in a strange world , born in a fake dream

Flower power rules, people liked to scream

Religious beliefs came from the far east

Could it work within filthy western ruins ?


We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

We are the future, we’re already the past

We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

Ready to take over, we’re born to kick your ass


Who needs a Nixon ?  Visit the watergate

Strikes over Europe, no more oil to trade

War is big business, brother against brother

Bombings over Hanoï, where’s my black panther ?


Africa’s starving, not even a fruit

Jimmy Jones laughing, want some orange juice ?

Dinosaur music, barking Kalashnikovs

Daily life was far... So far from glitter rock


We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

We are the future, we’re already the past

We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

ready to take over , we’re born to kick your ass


Seventy seven, then came to daylight

A new wave of sound, a new will to fight

A pistol, a clash, a goal to achieve

Gimme something wild, something to believe


We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

We are the future, we’re already the past

We’re the kids, kids of the seventies

Ready to take over ... I hope we’re built to last ! ! !            (Ray)




Pourquoi nos dirigeants se priveraient-ils de tricher

Quand les media sont là  pour  si bien  les y aider ?

Pas seulement des mensonges mais trop de semi-vérités

Qui entretiennent ou créent  tellement  d'ambiguïtés


Prêts à tout pour plaire, prêts à tout pour les satisfaire

La déontologie  vaut  rarement les affaires

Il est toujours plus simple de changer de chaînes

Que de se délivrer  de  toutes  celles qui nous gênent


Pouvoir économique et pouvoir idéologique

Monopolisés  par  les mêmes affairistes

Information, culture ou divertissement

La liberté  c'est sûr  est  à vendre au plus offrant


Prêts à tout pour plaire, prêts à tout pour les satisfaire

La déontologie  vaut  rarement les affaires

Il est toujours plus simple de changer de chaînes

Que de se délivrer  de  toutes  celles qui nous gênent


Les rédactions sont sous pression

Pas d'autonomie sur



Les chaînes publiques sont muselées,

Pas de liberté sur



Radio-Paris ment,

Radio-Paris ment,

Ce n'est que la voix du



Radio-Paris ment,

Radio-Paris ment,

Radio-Paris, voix du


Rien qu'un été bleu marine



Depuis le temps qu'ils réclamaient Retour de l'ordre et discipline

Contrôles et sécurité

Pour faire tourner la machine

Ca ne devait pas durer

Rien qu'un été bleu marine

Mais l'hiver s'est bien installé

Difficile de rester libres



Ils ont trouvé de nouveaux crimes

A reprocher à la jeunesse

Les prisons ne sont jamais vides

Les tribunaux pas en reste

Plus question d'un avenir

Pour tous ceux marqués au fer

Drôle de justice d'Empire

Asociale, inégalitaire



Drôle de pays qui ne veut plus vivre

Que dans le passé de ses rêves

Drôle de pays qui sacrifie

Le peu d'énergie qu'il lui reste

Drôle de pays qui s'est trompé

De colère et de vérité

Ce ne devait être qu'un été

Mais l'hiver est bien installé


Rien qu'un été bleu-marine

Rien qu'un été bleu-marine


Sheep in Wolf Clothes


Paramilitary cunts hopin' to get their share

Don't try to get in their way – they'll kick you if you dare

Ten to one's an easy game – they still think they're stronger

New slaves to the masters of the so-called New Order


Sheep in Wolf clothes, Sheep in Wolf clothes,

They're comin' out, they're comin' close


They'll go and chase the parasites to prove they're the elite

Just another Crystal Night, these puppets use their knives

They'd better read a book or two cos there's something they ignore

What happened to the S.A. troops so true to the nazi whore


Sheep in Wolf clothes, Sheep in Wolf clothes,

They're comin' out, they're comin' close


Sheep in Wolf clothes, Sheep in Wolf clothes,

Sheep in Wolf clothes, SO WHITE

Sheep in Wolf clothes, Sheep in Wolf clothes,

Sheep in Wolf clothes, GO DIE !


Look at their revolution, a Third Reich in disguise

Bowing to the very ones they're claiming to despise

Pseudo-rebels want to serve and be the ruling class

But you know what they deserve - a good kick in the ass

I N  T H E  A S S

Grown-up - Still Angry


Do you have fun when you’re stuck at your job

When the 9 to 5 is the end of your world

When you let them suck all your energy

When they spoil your life with all their envy


You tell me you are bored

Did you tell ’em TO FUCK OFF

You tell me you are dead

You’re lazy to TAKE A STAND


Tell me you’re dead, I will quote a few names

Those who died before they played the games

Got a vicious disease or a gun in their mouth

Jumped off a bridge, no more blood in their heart


You tell me you are bored

Did you tell ’em TO FUCK OFF

You tell me you are dead

You’re lazy to TAKE A STAND



You ever used to be upfront

Dancing crazy, speedin’ all around

Only sheep needed a leader

These new ideas, are they over ?


This was supposed to be for real

But you found out a better deal

Lookin’ back, now I still wonder

Were you the one or a follower ?


You tell me you are bored

Did you tell ’em TO FUCK OFF

You tell me you are dead

You’re lazy to TAKE A STAND


Grown up – still angry

Are you gonna shut your mouth ?

Grown up – still angry

We’re gonna shout out loud

Better than Zero


Back when you started

Things were kinda easier

You had something to build

Something you could stand for


But now - But now ?

Do we have a future ?

When every friend of mine

should be a social worker

Cos everything you've built

has since been deleted


But you keep on sayin'

It's better than nothing

It's better than zero


Yeah we're frustrated

When money rules the world

We won't work for nothing

We want to keep our pride


But you - But you ?

You want a better price

You want to rip us off

The benefits you have

Cos everything you've built

Has since been restricted


You say

It's better than nothing

It's better than zero


You'd like to divide us

To make us feel weak

You point minorities

But we blame the bosses



(More than) Boots and Braces

Two fists don't make a mind

So you'd better think before startin' a fight

Tough guys, tough guys, in the place

Showin' their muscles & their lack of brains


You can pogo up & down

Not havin' fun of others' pain

Everybody's got a place

Why makin' the pit a fuckin' ring ?


Tryin' to - To have a say - Without a word

D'you understand ?

Hard to - Open your minds - You'd rather kill

What you don't want


Two fists don't make a right

So you'd better learn before bashin' a 'fag'

Everybody's got a life

If your's shit, you can keep the waste


Macho Macho Macho man

Try to be yourself & show respect

Who cares if you're so harder

It's only fools we can't tolerate


Boots & Braces - Boots & Braces

Skins & Punks, People unite !

Boots & Braces - Boots & Braces

Your swastikas, shove it up your arse !


Two fists don't make a man

So you'd better leave all your fuckin' hate

Shake hands, shake hands, have a smile

When war is over, system watch out !


Tryin' to - To have a say - Without a word

D'you understand ?

Hard to - Open your minds -

You'd rather kill

What you don't want

Mobile Assholes (this one's about this century's worst invention, cell-phones !!!)


F*ckin wankers disturbing the peace

Ringin' shits in the middle of the meal

No education, no respect at all

Posin' machines playin' their role


Guess who's calling, where am I calling from ?

Who do you think you are, pretentious assholes ?

Who needs to know you're not at home

Who needs to know, we're not your mom !!


Ch :

Mobile assholes, mobile assholes

Tryin' to play a social role

Mobile assholes, mobile assholes

Wherever you go you see these jocks


You'd like to be a businessman

You'd like to be the leader of the gang

Next month you'll have to pay the bill

Moaning cos all your money's gone


Who needs to know you're not at home

Who needs to know, we're not your mom !!




Broken Bones


Hey ! Rude Boy awake !

You've been told so much bullshit

Hey ! Rude Girl awake !

Do you know what the nazis did?


Seventy seven's the beginning of your fall

Angry youth lost its self control

Skrewdriver came starting to spread their lies

And you sang along and you sold your soul !


Hey ! Skinhead awake !

Let's take a listen to the sounds of the street

Hey ! Skinhead awake !

Time has come to change this beat !


A racist Rude Boy ? It's a non-sense

A fascist Skinhead ? Go fuck yourself

A nazi punker ? It's a non-sense

Bloody non-sense !


Hey ! Rude Boy awake !

You've been told so much bullshit

Hey ! Rude Girl awake !

Do you know what the nazis did ?


Hey ! Rudy, tell me what are you waiting for ?

Isn't it better when we're all equal ?

Hey ! Rudy, tell me, what are you living for ?

Will you ever dare to quit this role ?




Sixty nine's spirit ? Take a look at yourself

You guinea pigs for the National Front!

That's ignorance & cowardice at their best

You've been warned for your broken bones !



Punx with Brains

No money to pay

For the lower door-price

But a beer in the hand

And a twelve-pack in their bag


They don't have the slightest idea

Of what it is to set up a gig

They can't even imagine

We share responsibilities



Punx, punx, punx with brains


You wanna leave school

So you think you'll be free

What happens in the end ?

You're fodder for their factories


You're victimized, you're innocent,

You lose control over your sense

You waste your life, you're a non-sense

Build up your mind for resistance !



Punx, punx, punx with brains



Yes we matter when nobody cares !


Social Headache


My mind's in a mess & my body's tired

I just can't bear to waste my time

I just can't stop to wonder why

I have to do this all my life


We've got to do the dirty jobs

Then they'll get all the thanks

I really can't wait anymore

They'll get what they deserve



Hate the State

Bite the hand

That feeds you

Hang your boss

He's the one

that makes you...



They perfectly know what's our fate

They just want us to pay their rent

Urging us to work our ass off

We'd better cut their fuckin' heads off



Hate the State

Bite the hand

That feeds you

Hang your boss

He's the one

that makes you...



Salt Lake Nazis


When I see this bunch of bastards

Drivin', drivin' their brand new bikes

I just want to step on the gas

Til I hit them with my car


Aryan clones don't make me smile

Go away you fuckin' spies

Salt Lake City's big enough

Lock it up & kill your kind


Bicycle's ayatollahs

Praise your god I lose your track

Religion means death means boredom

Make your day..Smash a mormon !


Mormons...Motherf*ckers since day one !







Dirty Harry is my name

I fight crime i’ll give you pain

Thieves, clockers and prostitutes

Drive me insane i have no rules 

I steal their cash i steal their dope 

Who gives a damn who gives a fuck ?

Hidden behind constitution

I’m a legal criminal !


Shotguns in hands yeah we're the cops

I am the boss and you are not

Serve and protect we’re the police

The hand of law, the iron fist


Politicians on my back

They need order, they need a war

Freeze punk you're under arrest

Freeze bastard i’ll blow your head

Face the gun you have no right

You broke the law you're gonna die

Now it's time to pay the bill

From state to state we shoot to kill


Shotguns in hands yeah we're the cops

Ready to fight do you want more ?

Serve and protect we're the police

We're the system, the supreme bitch


Here & Now


You said you'd do it - Here & now

A question of time - Here & now

A question of days - Here & now

The rich will pay - Here & now


Another leader, another liar

Another sheep, another ripper

It's getting worse - there's nothing done

How to trust you - Here & now


Using people as a steppin' stone

Double standards were easy to learn

Your victory now has a bitter taste

To fuck people over...

You became the best !


(the rose had a big thorn as said Regis one day  :o)



Bords de Vienne


La vieille clique de bonnes familles

Qui se partage les richesses

S'imagine sans doute encore

Qu'elle possède nos âmes

Elle oublie un peu trop vite

Que la ville appartient

A tous ceux qui la font vivre

Quelle que soit leur couleur


Limoges - Limoges - N'est pas pour eux

Limoges - Limoges - Reste à ceux

Reste à ceux qui l'ont comprise

Reste à ceux...qui l'ont construite !


Les grosses fortunes des collabos

Font regretter à certains

La période du IIIème Reich

La milice et Pétain

A 30 bornes d'Oradour

Ils ont la mémoire courte

Ils voudraient rallumer les fours

Et nous y brûler sans doute


Limoges - Limoges - N'est pas pour eux

Limoges - Limoges - Reste à ceux

Reste à ceux qui ont compris

Pourquoi ils étaient...étaient ici !


J'en vois qui ont du temps à perdre

Et préfèrent s'en prendre aux leurs

Que pourrait-il arriver

En cas de vrai malheur

"Diviser pour mieux régner"

Devise des dirigeants

Est-on censé l'appliquer

dans notre propre camp ?


Limoges - Limoges - N'est pas pour eux

Limoges - Limoges - Reste à ceux

Reste à ceux qui ont compris

Où sont vraiment...les ennemis


(Raf, 2000)



 L’école, tu n’aimais pas ça

L’éducation ? Non, pas pour toi

Ton milieu, c’était la rue

La vie, la vraie, rien de plus

Tu vivais avec tes potes

Non, la galère, c’est pas la honte

Mais un jour t’en as eu marre

Tu voulais pas finir comme ça


Quitte à connaître la crasse

T’as voulu voir la working class

Lueur d’espoir sur ta grise mine

T’as embauché à l’usine

Vêtu de bleu, t’es ouvrier

La tête pleine de préjugés

T’as réussi et tu es fier

Bienvenue sur la chaîne


Ta culture, ils connaissent pas

Pourquoi en parler, pourquoi


Les syndicats, tu n’y crois pas

Pourquoi adhérer, pourquoi

s’enchaîner ?

Le patronat se fout de toi

Pourquoi le respecter, pourquoi

s’abaisser ?

Tu vas transpirer, tu vas payer

Pourquoi continuer, pourquoi continuer


T’as voulu voir, t’es rassuré

Tu n’es là que pour trimer

Rapporter et produire plus

La fatigue pour tout bonus

Courbé du matin au soir

Non, pas de lueur d’espoir

Courbé du matin au soir

Non, pas de lueur d’espoir


( Ray)

You aint seen nothing yet

Shut… Shut the fuck up !

« There is no money in this land »

So what’s this banknote in your hand ?

Are you trying to buy us out ?

The cheapest way to keep us in line

« Keep quiet

Or you’ll get fired

Keep quiet

Or get a free ride… »

…to nowhere !


You think we’re a bit upset ?

You ain’t seen nothing yet !


I don’t buy your golden lies

I’ll never be one of these guys

We sure can see through all your lies

We’ll ever be what you despise

« Keep quiet

Or you’ll get fired

Keep quiet

Or get a free ride… »

…to nowhere !


You think we’re a bit upset ?

You ain’t seen nothing yet ! 



These songs - fu©kopyright 2000-2008


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This Website designed by Chaos gRafik - fu©kopyright 1999-2008